Rent to watch in streaming  fulldome film show on demand for planetarium digital children's movies (360º show) for schools.
  • Rent to watch in streaming  fulldome film show on demand for planetarium digital children's movies (360º show) for schools.

Annual Subscription

The MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION allows you to watch all our movies in their available versions at a maximum quality of 2000x2000 px live as many times as you need throughout a year, for this you need an internet connection. The computer of your fisheye projector must be connected to the internet during the entire projection, the internet signal must be optimal, you just have to select the movie in its corresponding language, put the video in full screen and press PLAY from your computer. Once the contracted time has elapsed, access to streaming viewing will be limited, if you wish to renew your subscription you must contract this service again. This service is only valid for Fisheye projectors. Fisheye warping for spherical mirror fulldome projection is available on all films, also in fisheye 4k format.

Check the deformation of our films in your full dome planetarium projector, try the demo version for a fisheye projector or the deformation for a spherical mirror projector. Select the Fisheye or Warp tab.

(1) Enlarges a full screen. (2) Adjust volume. (3) Adjust 4k video quality. (4) Play movie.


ATTENTION: Once you buy the subscription there is no refund, you will have to wait for the subscription period to end. In no case are we responsible for the emission cuts of the projection of the films, nor for the unforeseen events or the derived costs that may be caused to your activities. In your movie projection, select the optimal quality for your projection through the video player and run full screen. 

CONTENT: With the subscription you will have access to all our movies, to preview the content at low quality we recommend you see the demos in this section: 2k Movies. These films are suitable for fisheye (2K 2000x2000 pixels) and spherical mirror (Warp HD 1920x1080) projectors.

PERIOD: The validity of the subscription is limited to one year (365 days), the subscription will start counting 72 hours after having purchased the service.

ACTIVITY FOR: Ideal children's films for digital school planetariums or planetariums belonging to cultural astronomy institutions, town halls, small museums, scientific outreach companies, science houses and other cultural activities, leisure and entertainment companies.

HOW TO USE: 1. Choose the film you want to project on your digital planetarium. 2. Once the movie is selected, press the "full screen" button. 3. Select the video resolution (we recommend 42K 2000x2000 pixels). 4. Adjust the volume. 5. Press the "play" button.

LICENSE: Standard license terms apply during the subscription period.

© ADM, all rights reserved. Credits

This fulldome video can only be viewed through this website; it is not available on social media or video platforms. Please read the terms and conditions for more information. The improper and unlawful use of any material from this website, as well as any attempts to copy or distribute it, is expressly prohibited. Any unlawful use will constitute a violation of copyright and will result in the appropriate legal actions.


SUBSCRIPTION: If your projector or projection system onto the dome is of the Spherical Mirror or Fisheye type, we recommend checking out the subscription service. Verify compatibility of distortion with your mirror using the DEMO video..

What is a Planetarium? A Planetarium is a tool for disseminating knowledge and astronomy, a unique and recommendable experience for the period of formation of children. A digital planetarium is constituted by Dome or Dome, a projector (several projectors system, fisheye or spherical mirror), full dome films or programs, audio system and a stand or area for the public.